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Franklin Battery Storage

FranklinWH Energy Storage, Inc. is a new player in the U.S. home battery market. This innovative newcomer is gaining popularity with its star product, the Franklin Home Power System (FHP). This battery storage system is catching everyone’s attention, creating a buzz not only in the industry but also in the marketplace. FranklinWH is quickly becoming the go-to name for cutting-edge energy solutions. It is setting a new standard for excellence in residential battery technology.

Franklin Home Power System

The Home Power System comprises of: the aPower, an AC-coupled battery, and the aGate, a smart load control system. When these two components are installed together, they offer impressive functionality.
The FHP system enables whole-home backup by intelligently turning off power-intensive appliances as needed. It seamlessly integrates with any existing solar inverter, can start air conditioners up to 4 tons in size, and is capable of charging from solar, the grid, or a backup generator.
If you’ve been in search of a home battery storage system, the capabilities described above may leave a strong impression. FranklinWH claims that its FHP system offers functionalities that few batteries on the market can match.

Components of Franklin Home Power System

The Franklin Home Power battery storage consists of three components:


A smart controller that integrates all power sources for optimal supply efficiency. It automatically identifies grid outages and smoothly transition to backup power within 16 milliseconds. A single aGate can accommodate the connection of up to 15 aPower batteries.



A smart controller that integrates all power sources for optimal supply efficiency. It automatically identifies grid outages and smoothly transition to backup power within 16 milliseconds. A single aGate can accommodate the connection of up to 15 aPower batteries.


FranklinWH smartphone app

A smart controller that integrates all power sources for optimal supply efficiency. It automatically identifies grid outages and smoothly transition to backup power within 16 milliseconds. 

phone solar

Key Features of Franklin Home Power System

F P System

Should You Consider the FranklinWH Battery for Your Home?

If you’ve been searching for a backup solution for your whole home, you’ve likely seen options that involve lots of wiring and cost a ton of money. However, when you look at the FranklinWH FHP system, it appears to be a simple and affordable choice. It offers excellent features for its price, has reliable technology, and the company is doing well with certifications and making the battery available for installers. The only concern is that it’s a new product from a new company, so you have to trust that they’ll do well and be around to support the 12-year warranty.

Frequently Asked Questions

The home load is powered by solar PV energy during the day. The aPower battery stores any extra energy for use at night during peak hours.

The FranklinWH aPower uses grid-scale chemical Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) battery cells.

Yes. If there is sufficient charge in the battery, the solar installation or generator, the system will provide that energy to a vehicle.

A home battery storage system, when paired with a rooftop PV system, should be certified and listed according to the utility interconnection rules set by the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).

Yes. Whether or not your home is connected to the grid, the FranklinWH home energy management and battery storage system offers a backup solution for the entire house.

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