In a peer-reviewed journal, a new study “Cell Reports Sustainability” depicts the role of solar power & wind energy. According to this, during 2019-2022, the overall benefits of solar and wind energy totaled $249 billion in the United States.
The analysis considers the most recent changes to the electrical grid such as the ongoing expansion of solar and wind power to over 30% of total generation in some areas. It offers an updated quantitative analysis of uncertainty. Also, it incorporates the most recent updates to health and climate impact data. Moreover, the study employs a methodology that makes replication in new areas and yearly updates easier.
Furthermore, the study projected the combined benefits of wind and solar energy in 2022. The benefits include $14.33/MWh of wind and $100/MWh of solar power, or a total of 14.3¢/kWh. Also, in 2022, the United States averted 1,200 to 1,600 premature deaths due to SO2 and NOx emissions.
Since wind and solar power eliminate the need to generate electricity using fossil fuels like coal and natural gas, they improve air quality and the climate. The study calculates the decrease in coal and natural gas generation by wind and solar power using a statistical model. The expected amount of saved emissions was ascertained using the emissions characteristics of these sources. The dollar value of the domestic public health benefits of the avoided SO2 and NOx emissions was then calculated using a suite of air quality models. The dollar value of the climate benefits was estimated by the societal cost of carbon or the worldwide cost of producing carbon dioxide.
Regional Benefit Analysis of Solar Energy and Wind

The study provided regional benefit estimates and demonstrated how variations in wind and solar power plant locations result in changes in benefits. Some of these differences may be seen in the image below. It reflects that solar energy was more concentrated in the Western U.S. and Texas regions. On the other hand, wind energy’s primary regions are the Middle U.S., the Midwest, and Texas. Both technologies lower emissions from natural gas and coal-fired power plants. For going solar, it is important to know which of these states would be the best location for solar panels.