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U.S. is Generating 12 Times More Solar Power in 2023 Than 2013, As Per Environment America Report

According to the latest findings in Environment America’s annual “Renewables on the Rise” report, A boom can be observed in solar power production during a decade. Solar is generating a staggering 12 times more electricity in 2023 than it did back in 2013.  

Also, the solar energy industry shows no signs of slowing down, with ambitious projections for 2023. An impressive 32 GW of new solar installations are anticipated. This represents a remarkable 52% growth compared to the total installations in 2022. 

Some Predictions about Solar Power Generation Trend in the U.S.

Wood Mackenzie’s projections for the near future are equally optimistic. They anticipate that cumulative solar installations will more than double by 2028, reaching an impressive 375 gigawatts (GW). This prediction reflects the ongoing momentum behind the adoption of solar power. Also, this reflects its pivotal role in the nation’s quest for cleaner and more sustainable energy sources.

Furthermore, FERC’s projections indicate that there will be more than 83 gigawatts (GW) of solar capacity additions classified as “high probability” expected to be realized by August 2026.

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